BEabove Licensing Program
to deliver Seven Levels and Neuroscience topics to groups
Train the Trainer ONE
Bring the power of the Seven Levels of Effectiveness and neuroscience to organizations and groups. The Train the Trainer and Licensing Program gives you the training, curriculum, toolkit and license to unleash your own creativity and passion about the Seven Levels and neuroscience with the groups you serve.
program cost
Pay in full:
Payment plan:
$1,080/month for 4 months
All four modules of the Advanced Coaching Program and Certification, OR completion of the Virtual Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching program (VNCP), either of which result in the designation Certified NeuroTransformational Coach. (NOTE: current enrollment in VNCP is also acceptable, as long as at least Q1 and Q2 have been completed.)

What will you learn?
Program Content
You will be trained to lead two workshops. Workshop One focuses specifically on The Seven Levels of Effectiveness, including the neuroscience of each level. Workshop Two focuses on the fundamentals of neuroscience, adaptable for various audiences, which can range from a leadership or management context, parenting, or even just living more effectively day to day. Each workshop is designed to be delivered as either a half or full day training, and the workshops can be delivered together or separately. (Workshops could also be broken down into smaller chunks, depending on audience need.)
You’ll also receive a trainer toolkit of BEabove materials which includes everything you need to deliver the workshops virtually or in-person. Your materials include:
- customizable PowerPoint slides and timelines for each workshop;
- PDFs of participant handouts and materials for each workshop;
- customizable marketing materials; and
- a large Seven Levels banner.
A one-to-one mentoring session with Ann or Ursula, which can be used any time in your first year.
* We also offer a followup to this program for those interested in going deeper. Learn more about Train the Trainer Two.
The fee for the Train the Trainer includes a one-year license fee of $1500, renewable at $500 annually. License allows training to be offered within any organization or business except coach training or consulting, or as public offering to any audience except coaches and consultants. (NOTE: Some permission may be granted for presentations to coaches, depending on the circumstances.)
Overview and Logistics

Session One
- Re-grounding and practice on the Seven Levels
- Re-grounding and practice on Neuroscience
- Assignments for in-between project
We’ll have regular short breaks and a longer 30-minute dinner or lunch break midway through our time.
In Between Sessions
Deliver assigned training to a real group via video conference (group can be friends, professional, community, etc.). No fees may be charged for this session.
Meet with Ann or Ursula before your training for 30-minute consulting session.
You can do any length of training you like up to 1.5 hours, but let us know which 30 minutes you want us to view. (This can be 30 minutes total in sections.)
Submit Zoom video recording of the training to [email protected] with instructions as to which section(s) to watch.
Review all videos before Session Two and make notes for discussion in class.
Prepare your own review—what are you proud of, what would you do differently, what feedback do you want?

Session Two
- Review each person’s training; questions, feedback, and advice
- Discuss general tips for training in person versus virtual offerings
- Discuss and brainstorm marketing and sales
- Review license
We’ll have regular short breaks and a longer 30-minute dinner or lunch break midway through our time.
Join us
Train the Trainer One

Part 1:
Day One: Thursday, March 27, 2025, 5:30 – 8:30 pm EST / Friday, March 28 (AUS)
Day Two: Thursday, April 3, 2025, 5:30 – 8:30 pm EST / Friday, April 4 (AUS)
Day Three: Thursday, April 10, 2025, 5:30 – 8:30 pm EST / Friday, April 11 (AUS)
Day Four: Wednesday, April 16, 2025, 5:30 – 8:30 pm EST / Thursday, April 17 (AUS)
Part 2:
- Day One: Thursday, June 19, 2025, 5:30 – 8:30 pm EST / Friday, June 20 (AUS)
- Day Two: Thursday, June 26, 2025, 5:30 – 8:30 pm EST / Friday, June 27 (AUS)
- Day Three: Thursday, July 3, 2025, 5:30 – 8:30 pm EST / Friday, July 4 (AUS)
Pay in Full
Payment Plan
$1,080/month for 4 months