3-SESSION WEBINAR – for anyone who gives or receives feedback as part of their work or life.
The Neuroscience of Giving and Receiving Feedback
Join BEabove Leadership co-founders and neuroscience experts Ann Betz and Ursula Pottinga for this fascinating exploration of one of the most challenging aspects of leadership, management, and growth. Together we’ll explore what makes giving and receiving constructive feedback challenging from a neuroscience perspective, and use this information to become more effective in both aspects – as well as to help others expand their own abilities.
What will you learn?
webinar Content
How to provide feedback that people listen to and take to heart
In Session One, we’ll explore the fundamental neuroscience of feedback and how we therefore can best communicate to others so they more readily engage without defensiveness or disconnection.
Topics for Session One include:
- Why humans tend to find feedback difficult to hear – and for some of us, to speak as well;
- The importance of creating a Positive Emotional Attractor state in the brain, and how best to do so;
- The critical “Three Rs” of giving feedback and advice;
- One powerful model for giving feedback in a brain-friendly way; and
- Recognizing and moving beyond our own biases when providing feedback.
How to receive feedback without feeling bad or stressed
In Session Two, we’ll build on the neuroscience in Session One by exploring how to stay open and receptive to feedback, even when it may not be given in a thoughtful, skillful way. Not only will we look at this in our own lives, we’ll go into how to help others maintain a curious, open attitude as well.
Topics for Session Two include:
- Why hearing feedback can create a state of stress – and the impact of this on our brains;
- How to identify and shift a perspective and prediction around receiving feedback;
- How and when to self-advocate for the kind of feedback you most want and need; and
- Permission to discern and filter the feedback we receive.
The Seven Levels of Effective Feedback
In our final session, we’ll explore feedback through the lens of BEabove Leadership’s Seven Levels of Effectiveness model, looking at the impact of our “come from place” in terms of how we give and receive. We’ll also explore a powerful model for collaboratively finding the lesson and learning in any situation.
Topics for Session Three include:
- The difference between Above the Line and Below the Line feedback;
- The impact of trauma on our ability to hear others’ opinions about us and our work; and
- The “unpacking” model of learning from experience.
This webinar is for coaches, HR professionals, managers, leaders, parents, teachers, students, and anyone else who gives and receives feedback as part of their work or life.
Cost: $70
The tools and processes you will receive are for one-to-one use in coaching. View our copyright and permissions policy. Contact [email protected] if you have questions.