Relational Trauma Resources
This is an evolving resources list and not meant to be comprehensive or complete. Also, please note that sometimes websites move or remove links; all these were accessible at the time of publication. If you are unable to access a link, please email [email protected] and let us know!
Ann’s blog, an exploration of many aspects of relational abuse
What is C-PTSD?
Children of Narcissists: Adult
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, by Lindsay Gibson
Trapped in the Mirror, by Elan Golomb
Children of Narcissists: Under 18
When Dad Hurts Mom – Helping Your Children Heal the Wounds of Witnessing Abuse, by Lundy Bancroft
Child Sex Abuse –
Co-Occurring Disorders and Narcissism
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate
The impact of trauma on addiction
Trauma-Informed Therapy for Substance Use Disorders resource guide: https://bocarecoverycenter.
Dangerous relationship between domestic violence and addiction: https://bocarecoverycenter.
The Institute for Sexual Health (resources for Sex Addiction)
Divorcing a Narcissist
13 Essential Tips if you are divorcing a Narcissist–advice from a therapist and an attorney:
The Dos and Don’ts of divorcing a Narcissist:
Financial Abuse:
Women & Financial Literacy:
Fiction, Biography and Humor
The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver
A very well-written and compelling book featuring a narcissistic father
Bad Blood, by John Carreyrou
A sociopath defrauds investors in Silicon Valley
Too Much and Never Enough, How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, by Mary L. Trump
Donald Trump’s niece, a clinical psychologist, tells all
Out of the Fog, by Dana Morningstar
Psychopath Free and Whole Again by Jackson MacKenzie
What Gaslighting Does in Exploiting Trust, Therapy Can Repair, by Dr Ramani Durvasula
How to deal with gaslighting at work (and examples in 2023)
Narcissism: General Information and Resources
Why Does He Do That? Inside the minds of Angry and Controlling Men, by Lundy Bancroft (and other related books by this author)
Traumatic Narcissism, by Daniel Shaw
How narcissism is a system ot subjugation and why narcissistic abuse is different from other forms of emotional abuse. Good clinical text.
Narcissism: YouTube Channels, Blogs, and Websites
YouTube Recommendations:
DoctorRamani: everything you need to know is here!
Surviving Narcissism: down-home wisdom from a kind and well-informed therapist and one of his patients who went through her own abusive relationship.
Narcissism: Types
5 types of narcissism
7 type of narcissism–H4
Neuroscience of the Narcissist (and other Cluster B Personalities)
The Science of Evil, by Simon Baron-Cohen
A very thorough research-based look at many different types of empathy and how they show up (or don’t) in narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths
The Psychopath Inside, by James Fallon
Genes, environment and the psychopath
What Are Personality Disorders?
Can People with Personality Disorders Change?
Neuroscience of the Survivor
Quiet Explosions: Healing the Brain
The impact of trauma on the brain and ideas for haling.
Systemic Impact/Oppression
Dying for a Paycheck, by Jeffrey Pfeffer
The business cost of toxic organizations–research by a Stanford business professor
Caste–The Origins of our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson
Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome–America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing, by Dr. Joy DeGruy
The Deepest Well, by Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.
Overview of the lifelong impact of the trauma of Adverse Childhood Experiences