5-session webinar for coaches

Helping People Manage Stress in Difficult Times

Learn the neuroscience impact of the stress, grief and situational trauma many are facing during COVID-19, and discover powerful new tools and ideas to have a positive impact as a coach. (All levels welcome!)

Platform: video (pre-recorded)

6 CCEUs (4 Core Competency, 2 Resource Dev.)


Learn How to Support Your People Well

Stress. It’s impacting our clients, our family, our friends, and yes, ourselves. In this fresh new series, BEabove co-founders Ann and Ursula explore what may be happening in the brain and overall system during the COVID-19 crisis—but more importantly, new tools and ideas for what to do to have a positive impact—both formally and informally.

Featuring FOUR new neuroscience-based coaching tools

Appropriate for all levels of coaching experience

Interactive, experiential and engaging learning

What You’ll Learn

Session One

Working with Discrepancy

Helping identify and manage the discrepancy between what we currently have and what we really want.

Session Two

Standing Steady in the Wind

What do you need to do for yourself so you are a really good resource in this time?

Session Three

The Impact of it All

How do we help people get through this with the least trauma possible?

Session Four

Facing Disruption, Loss and Grief

The messy process of facing and integrating grief and loss.

Session Five

Self-Care and Healing

Practical strategies for creating and maintaining more resilience.

Become the Best Resource You Can Be in Uncertain Times

✓ Understand what’s going on inside your client’s brain in this time of stress, and explain it to them.

✓ Learn powerful tools that will have a real impact on your client’s ability to cope.

✓ Discover how to make yourself the most resilient and supportive resource you can be.


5 videos, 90 minutes each


This webinar is for professional coaches of all backgrounds. The tools and ideas offered are designed to build on existing training and experience.


Cost: $75


The tools and processes you will receive are for one-to-one use in coaching. View our copyright and permissions policy. Contact [email protected] if you have questions.