The Seven Levels of Effectiveness were developed over many years, with a great deal of thought, effort, experimentation and research. We ourselves owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Dr. David Hawkins, author of Power vs. Force and many other books, who was our primary intellectual inspiration.
It is important — critical in fact — that consciousness flourish in the world. We want our work to be used, discussed and shared. That being said, there are some standards for use of intellectual property that we would like to clarify, and ask that anyone using our work in publication (print or electronic) to follow:
- The Seven Levels of Effectiveness are copyrighted. You can use them, but only with proper attribution and ONLY as is, without rewording, adding or abbreviating the descriptions of the levels and always including the following copyright information: The Seven Levels of Effectiveness, ©2014 BEabove Leadership, all rights reserved.
- You are welcome to use the Seven Levels with individuals in a one-to-one setting. Have fun!
- You are also welcome to briefly share the Seven Levels as part of training. For example, in a cultural diversity training, it might be interesting to look at being above the line or below the line in the different levels, and the difference it makes in awareness and actions. (Please note, briefly sharing the Seven Levels is different than training them using activities and processes. See also #6 below.) We are not at this time granting permission to lead or develop trainings specifically around the Seven Levels of Effectiveness or our Neuroscience content except for our licensees. If this is something you are interested in, we offer a train the trainer and BEabove licensing program. For more information please visit our website or contact us.
- As a participant in the Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching or Human Development program, you are welcome to use the tools and handouts from our workshops and presentations with individuals in a one-to-one setting. All materials are copyrighted, so please use them as is, without revising or rewriting, and make sure the copyright line is visible on the page.
- As a participant or listener to any of our webinars, preview calls, or BlogTalk radio, you are welcome to use the tools and handouts (if provided) with individuals in a one-to-one setting. All these materials are copyrighted, so please use them as is, without revising or rewriting, and make sure the copyright line is visible on the page.
- You may quote brief portions of our writings, if you use quotation marks to set off the specific information you are using, do not change any wording, and attribute the source (generally BEabove Leadership or Ann Betz/Ursula Pottinga if from a specific blog or book authored by one of us).
- You may also briefly share ideas from our workshops under U.S “fair use” copyright law. We are not granting permission at this time to re-use our specific processes, tools, and/or training techniques except as trained and licensed in our train the trainer and licensing program. Please also do us the courtesy of referencing where you learned what you are sharing!
- PowerPoint slide decks from our workshops and presentations are for your reference only. Please do not use in your own presentations.
- For permission to reprint or republish any materials, processes, blog posts, etc. from the BEabove Leadership website or any of our training or speaking engagements, please contact us prior to use.
- As a CNTC or BEabove License holder you are permitted to use our BEabove logo on your website and on printed materials. You MUST use the logo with the description of your status, using either “ Certified Neuro-Transformational Coach” if you are certified or “BEabove Licensee” if you have taken our train-the-trainer program and have received your License.
- We use — with proper attribution — many other sources in our work. For example, Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Mario Martinez. We ask that you be aware whether you need to cite BEabove Leadership or the original source.
Thank you for honoring our many years of hard work and sharing our commitment to bringing higher levels of consciousness to the world.
(Updated March 21, 2018)