We struggled for a while to come up with a name for the Seven Levels event we hosted in July. It was taking place at beautiful Ghost Ranch Retreat Center outside of Santa Fe, and its purpose was to bring together fellow fans of the Seven Levels and create a space for...
One of the most prevalent current brain myths is the idea that we have “three brains.” That is, the reptilian, the mammalian, and the neocortex. We evolved, it is said, as a sort of three-layer cake, with each new area sliding neatly on top of the other,...
Michele Goedde is a coach and graduate of both our Advanced Coaching Series (NCTC) and Train the Trainer programs, and works largely with corporate leaders in the high-tech space. Though she is a relatively recent graduate (February 2018), she has already noticed a...
Eric Collier completed his training with BEabove four years ago, but says he feels like he has been doing this work forever. “I’ve been dealing with an infusion of neuroscience and mindfulness practices in my work for some time, and it was like the angels sent Ann and...
The joys of being best friends with a coach. Ann and Ursula got together recently to talk about the impact both being coaches has had on their personal relationship. ANN: Oh my goodness, I can’t imagine life without this woman! What do people do who don’t have a coach...
A while ago I realized that — somewhat more often than I’d like to admit — I was having what we at BEabove call a “below the line” automatic response to other people’s good fortune. In other words, I was flat out envious when I...