This is a strange blog to write, and you’re really going to have to bear with us here as we explain, but lately Ursula and I have been playing in the energy field of Hopelessness, and finding it, well, liberating. At BEabove, we hold that each energy field of...
We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are. ~The Talmud We have a saying at BEabove about the Seven Levels of Effectiveness: deceptively simple, endlessly complex. We’re constantly discovering new and interesting aspects to how the energy...
Recently at BEabove we’ve encountered some people who have been unfair, unreasonable and ultimately very difficult to tolerate, much less love. So we’ve worked, been coached, used our many tools, processed and pondered, and lo and behold, uncovered the...
“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer.” ~Nassim Haramein One of the most discussed, studied, argued about and elusive topics in fields ranging from neuroscience to philosophy is the problem of...
Join us on Friday, August 16 for a in-depth look at neuroscience, intuition, and coaching. Sponsored by the Coaches Training Institute, this experiential and eye-opening day will blow the roof off of your understanding and use of intuition. As always, you can expect...
Ok, we admit it, it’s difficult to think of the 7 Levels of Effectiveness as anything other than hierarchical. They go from one to seven in order, and clearly, seven is better than one, right? One is an “F” in life and Seven must be an...
REPOSTED FROM Ann’s blog at “This bed is too hard, and that bed is too soft, but the little bed is JUST RIGHT,” said Goldilocks, as she lay down and fell asleep. But then the bears came in…. A Quick Intro to the Pre-Frontal...
My son, who you have all heard of from time to time, recently got his first summer job –ushering for the Minnesota Twins. What a great gig for a 17-year old. And it wasn’t like he went on an extensive search. His first interview (ever) and he was hired. These...
One of the most fascinating experiments in quantum mechanics, well explained by Dr. Quantum....
The brain has an astonishing capacity to adapt—it’s one of our key evolutionary advantages. A child can move from the plains of Africa to New York City and very quickly learn not only a new language, but also understand cultural cues and subtleties that are often...