7/30/2024 03:00 PM Credentials Matter #neuroscience #coaching #icfcoach #credentialsmatter #professionalcoach #lifecoach #executivecoaching #credentialsmatter #professionalcoach There have always been people in the coaching world who simply called themselves coaches...
Hetty Brand-Boswijk has worked at Erasmus University’s Rotterdam School of Management for more than 30 years, and since adding “coach” to her resume in 2013, she has worked hard to advocate for a coaching component to the school’s MBA program. Since completing...
Before starting her own coaching business in 2020, Kisha worked for years as an HR leader at a large manufacturing company. Surrounded by left-brained executives, Kisha cleverly used her neuroscience-grounded training from BEabove to appeal to and support...
Jean Davidson is a coach, consultant and facilitator with a 10-year-old business devoted to helping clients move through big transitions with ease and intention. As you can imagine, neuroscience and the Seven Levels dovetail perfectly with the kind of coaching she...
Shay Sun is a middle school teacher, Certified Coach and graduate of both our Advanced Coaching Series (NCTC) and Train the Trainer programs. As a public middle school teacher, Shay has a unique opportunity to apply the concepts he learned in our programs to the...
How many times have you invested in a ticket to an exciting conference or seminar, only to find yourself feeling overloaded with information, exhausted by the long hours, and unsure how to integrate what you’ve learned? What if rather than packing in...
Joan Haan is a coach and graduate of both our Advanced Coaching Series (NCTC) and Train the Trainer programs, and has been bringing neuroscience and the Seven Levels to some amazing places since receiving her certification. In 2015, Joan had the exciting opportunity...
Anyone who knows Ann and Ursula knows they are professional level shoppers, perhaps most especially when it comes to jewelry. That’s why when Ann strolled past Jennifer Lamprey’s jewelry booth at an artisan market in Santa Fe, she knew she’d be there for a while. She...
We struggled for a while to come up with a name for the Seven Levels event we hosted in July. It was taking place at beautiful Ghost Ranch Retreat Center outside of Santa Fe, and its purpose was to bring together fellow fans of the Seven Levels and create a space for...
One of the most prevalent current brain myths is the idea that we have “three brains.” That is, the reptilian, the mammalian, and the neocortex. We evolved, it is said, as a sort of three-layer cake, with each new area sliding neatly on top of the other,...