
Join us for a fun and lively dive into the new field of human consciousness, relationships and development: The Seven Levels Human Development Program (formerly Human Consciousness Architecture).

8-Session Recorded Series

All of us work and interact with human beings on a daily basis, which although often rewarding, is also at times mystifying. Many of us long to know why people do what they do. Why are some people easily offended while others tend to roll with the punches? Why is it that some leaders excel at setting a vision while others implement with ease? And as human developers, how do we help everyone become more effective? We have often thought that humans should come with a basic users’s manual, and in this webinar series we have done our best to help you understand the brain of your fellow human beings (and your own). We demystify–to some degree–why people are the way they are, as well as provide you with practical strategies for transforming your relationships with them. This 8-session series comes complete with handouts and rich discussion by the original participants, and provides an overview to our more in-depth Seven Levels Human Development Certification Program (an in-person and virtual year-long certification process). Join us for a rich and rewarding exploration of the latest in scientifically-based human development. Standing on the shoulders of coaching, but open to anyone curious about what makes human beings tick, this program will give you an overview of some of the tools and processes to help people develop in the most engaged, passionate and effective way. Content includes:

  • Exploration of Consciousness, including an overview of the Seven Levels of Effectiveness and an introduction to the CATSU model (link)
  • Why co-creation in any relationship is important and what it means to truly co-create.
  • Overview of the right and left hemispheres and how to most effectively use the gifts of both
  • Understanding and being able to use the BEING and DOING aspects and tools of Activation; how to create the most open and effective brain state in another.
  • The essence of Advising: when to do it, when not to, what happens in the brain, what are the conditions necessary for optimum effectiveness (the three Rs of Advising),
  • How to best use stories as a way to communicate learning points
  • How to think as a scientist and how to think as a mystic

This program will be impactful for anyone who works and interacts with human beings on a daily basis: managers, human resources professionals, teachers of any kind, coaches, parents and mentors (and many more).

COST: $75 for complete program and handouts

Purchase price can be applied in full to the Seven Levels Human Development Certification Program should you choose to participate and become certified in this model .