Coaching by Level of Effectiveness

This post is Part Three in a series on the brain and consciousness. For more on the specifics of each level, including what is happening in the brain, see Part One and Part TwoFor a complete overview of the Seven Levels of Effectiveness, Click Here.

Level 1-Hopelessness

Language Cues

I can’t; what’s the point; yeah but; you don’t understand; that won’t work; I’m worthless; resigned/passive victimhood; unable to see ANY other perspective. Saboteur voice is so loud client cannot differentiate saboteur from self.


Heavy, dense, tired, sad; coach can get sucked in and lose their own trust in the process                                 

Coaching Tools

  • Holding client in light and perfection
  • Referral if necessary
  • Process—using metaphor to be present to the energy
  • Non-resistance

Level 2-Fear      

Language Cues

What if ______ happens? It’s too risky; I need to be careful; I don’t do that sort of thing; (FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real); stuckness.


Jangled, frenetic, and/or frozen, pulling away, backing up, client disappears                         

Coaching Tools

  • Balance/Reframing
  • Process—loving the fear
  • Baby steps with accountability (create new evidence)
  • Pointing to other areas of success
  • Presencing the internal judge/saboteur

Level 3-Frustration       

Language Cues

It’s not my fault; they did it to me; I need to get even; I’m better than s/he is; why is everyone else so much luckier than me? Complaints; blame things or people outside me; victim/retribution.  I need to prove myself, justifications.


Hot, volatile, unstable, dangerous, unpredictable

Coaching Tools

  • Help them focus on being a solution instead of a problem
  • Fulfillment/values—who do you want to be?
  • Strengths focus
  • Calling forth the highest self

Level 4-Courage               

Language Cues

Maybe; I might as well try; it can’t be any worse; it’s time


Unstable possibility; going for it without the evidence

Coaching Tools

  • Any standard coaching strategies should work, however tight accountability is key because courage wanes on its own
  • Cheerleading
  • Acknowledging
  • Baby steps with celebration

Level 5-Engagement     

Language Cues

Let’s; I have an idea; what do you think of this? I think I can try that; let me tell you what I did this week that worked, email updates


Eager, willing, reaching out, part of something bigger, open heart

Coaching Tools

  • Solution-focus
  • Make sure there is a good mix of forwarding the action and deepening the learning
  • Any competent coaching works great at this level and most coaching clients come to you in this level
  • Vision / future self

Level 6-Innovation        

Language Cues

I can see my patterns; what I have been doing no longer makes sense so I need a new way; what are the resources I can use; open to possibilities


Solid, thoughtful, reflective, unattached, open mind

Coaching Tools

  • Share research-based information (brain, consciousness)
  • Back off on tight accountability—if a person is truly in this level, they don’t need it
  • Absolute honesty and truth telling, they can take it and are hungry for it

Level 7-Synchronicity 

Language Cues

I have basically no complaints; I can see the blessing/gift; I need to shift something for myself in this situation


Peaceful, easy, joyous, light, open soul

Coaching Tools

  • At this level, coaching needs a light touch
  • Guided meditations, non-traditional methodologies such as Tarot, Numerology etc.
  • Speak to spiritual perfection, hold paradox of human/spiritual
  • Coach’s intuition
  • Coaching becomes more of a partnership exploration and less traditional
  • Focus on gratitude

Additional Tools

  • 7 Levels – teach client this and start using the language.  Simple questions like “what level are you in now?” and “what level do you want to be in?” are surprisingly effective
  • Teaching about basic brain function (amygdala hijack)
  • Mirror neurons – your body (as the coach) knows what is going on over there (in the client)
  • At all levels, encouraging mindfulness of any form can also be hugely effective, either in the coaching session (as guided meditation or process coaching) or as homework